
Canned Energy (Drinks)

Manufacturers of Energy Drinks promise to make you confident, daring and reckless. And as per public opinion this is no lie, these drinks do indeed provide immense instant energy.However, have you wondered of their medical side affects?

These drinks,  cause ‘adrenaline rushes’, and are essentially beverages constituting sugars, caffeine and other substances. The caffeine in a single can of energy drink is between 70-200 mg, which is actually higher than the advised level of daily caffeine intake for younger consumers.Moreover,energy drinks contain ingredients which release additional caffeine beyond the ingredient listing on the label.

Besides,energy drinks have other well-known adverse effects. These include anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness, digestive problems and changes in blood which set your heart racing and thumping increasing blood pressure. Another danger is "caffeine intoxication", especially when one intakes a larger amount i.e uses a bigger can packaged by the company.Another one is excessive urine discharge due to high caffeine intake, hence causing discomfort and also dehydration, ultimately.Also,Ginseng, a constituent of these drinks can interact with any other medicines being taken and produce noticeable side affects.

Athletes, children with heart conditions and insomniacs need especially be aware of the consequences of inappropriate use of these beverages.


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