Linux and Environment-Why Linux is Better?
- The freeware is easily downloadable from the internet and hence doesn't need be packed into boxes.Windows and Mac OS,on the other hand, are sold in boxes which requires massive
amounts of paper and plastic to be manufactured. We all are aware how these products (paper and plastic)have negative impacts on the environment.
- Proprietary applications for Windows or Mac OS are also, most of
the time, sold in local stores, in boxes, whereas one can download the
vast majority of software for Linux from the Internet, for free (again,
a whole
lot of saved paper and plastic!).
- Linux may easily be run on even very old machines hence they can be recycled for various purposes (storage, internet
access, multimedia box, etc.) instead of being thrown out! On the other hand, other Operating Systems require much advanced machines. The requirements keep on increasing with time.
- Millions of CDs are pressed to hold Windows or Mac OS boxes and are
sold to customers. Linux also needs to be burnt on a CD before
installation (in most cases at least -- installation from the network
or from a hard disk is also quite common). However, most people choose
to burn it on a rewritable CD ("CD-RW"), which can be reused for other
purposes after the installation is over (unlike proprietary operating
systems, you don't need to keep the CD around after you've installed the
software, you can always download it again later).
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