
Study: Slow Progress For Women CEOs

UC Davis Study of California Women Business Leaders, 2011 showed disappointing results. Study showed that women hold 9.7% of board seats and highest-paid executive positions which is similar to last year's findings.
UC wrote" The proportion of women who lead California’s largest companies is growing at such a slow pace that it will take more than a century for women business leaders to achieve parity with men."

Other key findings of study include.
  • More than one-third, or 136 (34 percent), of the 400 companies had no women among their board directors or highest-paid executives.
  • No company had an all-female board or executive management team.
  • No company had both a gender-balanced board and executive management team.
  • More than 40 percent of the 136 companies that tied for last place, with no women executives or board members, are high-tech companies.
  • Only 13 public companies had a woman CEO, down from 16 in 2010.
  • The number of women CFOs increased from 35 last year to 45 this year — a 28.6 percent increase.


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