
The Erosion Of Cultures

Many of you may not agree withe carving books to make sculptures but Artist Guy Laramee's concept really impressed me.
The artist transforms the edges of vintage books, dictionaries and encyclopedias into mountainous glacial landscapes, plateaus, and deep valleys along with detailed painted illustrations.
He named theme of these sculptures as "The erosion of cultures"
Artist explains that the pieces portray his belief that knowledge is gained by erosion, not accumulation.

On his official website he wrote "When I was younger, I was very upset with the ideologies of progress. I wanted to destroy them by showing that we are still primitives. I had the profound intuition that as a species, we had not evolved that much. Now I see that our belief in progress stems from our fascination with the content of consciousness. Despite appearances, our current obsession for changing the forms in which we access culture is but a manifestation of this fascination."


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