
Blackberry's survival becomes difficult

Last month, Blackberry-maker Research In Motion (RIM ) had to pay $365million charge for unsold PlayBook tablets. Now yesterday it announced further delay to its new phone. It will come out in the latter half of 2012 instead of by March which has resulted in complaints from analysts and critics. 

Critics are also of the opinion that the Co-CEOs of the company are being overpaid when the net income of company has plunged 71%. 

In order to compete with iPhone and Google's android, Blackberry underwent its transition to a new operating system which will power a new generation of phone.So RIM had earlier changed its mind on which chips to use. The delay became inevitable when RIM went short of chips.

The prediction of Smartphone sales has gone down to 11 & 12 m for the current Christmas week. Over the same time last year it was 14.8m. 

RIM has rather been outstripped by the sales of Apple's iPhone which shipped 14.1 million handsets during the most recent financial quarter, up 91 per cent on the same quarter last year, according to analysts at Strategy Analytics.


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