
Pensive: Diversity demands tolerance!

By Sarah Mahmood

We, the Pakistanis, are a people having multiple ethnic backgrounds -- the Pukhtuns, the Punjabis, the Balochis, the Sindhis and the Muhajirs; having assorted beliefs and values -- the Muslims, the Christians, the Hindus, the Sikhs and the Parsis, with multiple factions following (given for Muslims)-- the Deobandi Sunnis, the Barelvi Sunnis, the Asna Ashri Shiites, the Aga Khanis, the Bohris and the Ahl-e- Hadeeth.

Yes, we are indeed a diverse nation! And quite an intolerant one at that, I might add. Any person having said things differently than what we perceive them to be, and here comes a ranting tirade of how illogical the other person is. True mate, that might indeed be the case but relax! Let's just sit and have a normal, CIVILIZED debate for once, giving each person their fair turn to speak and not interrupting them with 'tchs' and 'pssts'.

I'm not standing up for any blasphemous crap here. All I am trying to say is that let's just respect each other's views for a change. This, however, should not be treated with undue advantage. Remember, when I say 'respect each other's views', it also means 'don't utter stuff that might result in someone else getting hurt'. Guard your own freedom of expression and let your pseudo-intellectualism rest for a while. Happy tolerating!


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