
Pensive: How responsible are you?

No, you read it correct. Today's Pensive is indeed a surprise (even for the editors) in that it comes from the pen (read MS Word) of a dear friend of mine.

Now as I was going through her piece yesterday, each and every line appealed to me so much that I simply could not think of a better place to incorporate it in then Pensive itself for the very simple reason that it was the voice of my very own heart, something that's been coming out under various disguises for the past couple of weeks. So, here's to you Pakistan! -Sarah Mahmood

Pensive By Hamna Anwar

With the next elections coming up, one by one all of my friends start getting the voting fever, at how they are going to change the nation and its destiny by their vote. Ah, what ultimate power, to change the nation through a piece of paper! Sardonically enough, isn’t it the most lethargic way to change the nation? By going to a polling station once every five years and leaving the nation’s destiny to chance, a gamble? If the results are favorable then it is optimistically assumed that all will be well for the next five years. If not, then the thought of changing the nation’s destiny is conveniently forgotten. The same zealous folks lie dormant for the next five years, going through the motions of life just as before casting the destiny-changing vote, as if they really didn’t care, as if they aren’t or weren’t ever truly affected.

This has happened all too often, and there is no need to blame the ‘nation’ for it. Blame your own selves, each and everyone of you, individually. There is a term known as 'diffusion of responsibility' in psychology. According to this phenomenon, a person in a group tends to take no responsibility for an action or inaction when others are present and when the responsibility is not explicitly assigned. Isn't this what is happening in Pakistan? Stop blaming the nation! For once, own up to your mistakes -- take a proactive approach. 

Everyone, in their own little way can bring about a difference, be it clearing the garbage on the street, financially supporting or volunteering to help the less fortunate ones or taking Pakistan to greater technological advancements. Take any sincere initiative, but it has to be your own, and then let’s see who changes this nation’s destiny, and how!


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