
Pensive: It is never too late...!

By Sarah Mahmood

Feel like you have wasted a lot of time already? That you cannot undo the past and so you have to live with all the regrets that you happen to possess? That there really is no new way to start afresh, to somehow live a better and improved life?

Well, if yes, then you probably have to look a little differently at things. Life is all about starting anew from one point or the other, making redemptions, going back (as much as might be possible in the circumstances), and living it with a renewed optimism (with preferably a dose of practicality too). Believe me it's never too late (at least not in the situations that I have encountered as yet). 

Personally, it always helps me feel better thinking that yes, I can still take a fresh start. It gives me a renewed vigour to do things right this time, preventing me from going into what others would call 'bouts of depression' about how 'it' should really have happened. 

Try applying it and see if it brings about any good! Good luck!


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