
Pope urges for Africa famine help

Pope Benedict XVI, in his special Christmas message, has called upon the world to help the Africans in their difficult times.

He also prayed for " an end to the violence in Syria, where much blood has already been shed." 

Addressing the increased commercialization of the Christian festival, the head of the Roman Catholic Church urged the faithful to "see through the superficial glitter".

The BBC reports:
"Speaking in Italian from a balcony above St Peter's Square, the pontiff spoke out against wars in general.

"May the Lord come to the aid of our world torn by so many conflicts which even today stain the Earth with blood," he said.
His remarks on Syria come after a year which has seen more than 5,000 civilians killed as the government seeks to suppress dissent.
Officials said on Friday that two suicide car bombings in Damascus had killed 44 people and left more than 150 injured. The government blamed al-Qaeda, but its opponents suggested security forces were behind the blasts.
On Sunday, human rights and opposition activists said troops had killed at least 10 people, including five in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour.
Addressing the "Arab Spring" as a whole, Pope Benedict prayed for "renewed vigour for all elements of society in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East as they strive to advance the common good".
The Pope also called for reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as in the Great Lakes Region of Africa and the newly created state of South Sudan. He called for dialogue in Burma, which has recently seen signs of limited reform.
Jesus Christ, Pope Benedict said, had "brought to the world a universal message of reconciliation and peace".
Remembering Africa's famine victims, he also prayed for flood sufferers in Thailand and the Philippines."


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