
Seven Sleep Myths

There’s no such thing as a beauty sleep: In a recent Research, Scientists from Sweden concluded that sleeping enough does indeed make a person more attractive and gives a healthy look too. They carried out an experiment on 65 people, compared their photos in a "sleep-deprived" state and in a "slept-enough" state. The latter were found to be more attractive and beautiful.

Lights at NightRecent studies have added to the already-existent theories about lights at night being injurious.A bedside lamp or the glow from the TV screen can suppress production of melatonin, the hormone essential to our sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in the brain, but this happens only in the dark, says sleep specialist Rubin Naiman, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine.Researchers from Israel have even linked lights at night to High Breast Cancer Risks!

Seniors Need Less Sleep: All adults need 7-8 hour sleep. Its just that aged people need not clock these hours properly in a routine.

If you can’t sleep or you wake up during the night, it's best to relax until you fall asleep: Not being able to fall or stay asleep is a symptom of insomnia. Sleep experts say your best bet is to get up after 15 or 20 minutes, go into another room and listen to music or read until you feel drowsy.

Your brain rests during sleep: The bidy relaxes while the brain continues its job, breathing being a part of it.

The more sleep, the better: Recent research suggests linkage of  habitual sleep of 9 hours or longer with depression, illness and accidents. Conversely, regularly snoozing less than six hours a night is a risk factor for obesity. The best suggested is 7-8 hours

Taking prescription sleeping pills is a path to addiction: With latest medicines, this no more holds true.



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