
Twitter's Top 10 Hashtags 2011

Twitter's top 10 hashtags revealed -- #egypt tops the list followed by #tigerblood.

Egypt's popular spring uprising seems to be tweeted about the most followed by references to a comment made by Charlie Sheen after he was sacked from a US comedy show. The actor made a comment to RadarOnline stating "My fangs are dripping tiger blood," while at the same time joining twitter to gain a following of one million fans with in the first 24 hours.

Hashtags group together tweets relating to the same topic. The list of the top 10 is:

  • #egypt
  • #tigerblood
  • #threewordstoliveby
  • #idontunderstandwhy
  • #japan
  • #improudtosay
  • #superbowl
  • #jan25


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