
The inhumane species

By Sarah Mahmood

From the first spark produced by two stones being rubbed together to the invention of the light bulb; from the creation of the first wheel to the steam engines of the Industrial Revolution; from the Wright brothers' first attempt at 'riding on air' to Star Trek's exciting prospect of Time Travel, the great lapses of   innovations, discoveries and inventions that we have covered are fascinating. We are but an exciting species.

From the barter system to gold; from gold to currency; from currency to banking; from banking to usury; from usury to capitalism; from capitalism to materialism, we have yet again proved our intelligence. We are but a cunning species.

From non-verbal signs to language; from language to writing; from writing to letters; from letters to telephone; from telephone to internet, we have covered remarkable distances in communication. We are but racing with time itself.

From families to tribes; from tribes to communities; from communities to societies; from societies to nations and from  nations to where? World War I may be. How about the Srebrenica genocide? Or maybe the present atrocities on the Palestinians and the Kashmiris strike some chord?

As the irony stands, we are but an inhumane species!


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