
Eliminate Lead

Numerous studies show that millions of people suffer from excessive levels of lead in their blood streams.Children are at greater risk- from lead-caused kidney and neurological problems and intellectual impairment. But lead poisoning can create miscarriages, birth defects and premature birth and middle-aged men can get hypertension from elevated lead levels in their blood.
But where does household lead come from?From some of the most unlikely places, says Marie Hodge and Charles Inlander. Some 30 million homes still have old lead paint on the walls.,upwardly mobile homeowners remodel or renovate, the lead dust literally flies, to be inhaled or picked up from duty surfaces

What should you do about it?Have your doctor administer the "Blood Lead Test" to family members. If high lead levels show up in the blood; you must find the source.Replace your lead pipes and more economically, install lead filters to purify water.Run the faucet three to four times a day to flush the lead out. Since lead is more likely to reach hot water, keep away from it and switch towards cold drinking water instead.


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