Germany expects to welcome over 10 million visitors at its national events. The MICE industry is not likely to be hit by the coming downturn until 2013.
In 2012 Germany is to see over 160 exhibitions and fairs of national importance. The experts from AUMA (Association of the German Trade Fair Industry) expect strong recovery after 2011 and a slight increase of the number of exhibitors and visitors in 2012.
AUMA estimates that there will be 160 fairs with 182,000 exhibitors and 10.3 million visitors in Germany, reported Business-travel.de. These numbers, if actually fulfilled, would mean a 2% increase in comparison to 2011. The economic downturn expected in 2012 is likely to hit the MICE industry in 2013 and not this year.
German companies regard fairs and trade events as very important way of business communication. According to a recent survey by AUMA, local businessmen appreciate first of all the effectiveness of the events.
85% of respondents view the participation at trade fairs as important part of their marketing. Five years ago, only 79% of the survey participants held the same opinion. Real product, real contact and real business are what make trade events so attractive for German companies.
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