
Headline Jan 11th, 2012 / Cloud - Cloudy - Clobbering

Cloudy - Clobbering

One minute silence, please! Let's mourn as the technosphere bewitches the entire fairness seeking world by routing us into entering the end of 'age of ownership!'
Student Angel Mother protests most vehemently at this froth of sky-fluff masking the "tectonic shift"  happening in computing. If you use Gmail, Flicker, Facebook, Twitter, online backups or storage, you are already in the cloud. More simply, the Cloud is everything that is stored "out there somewhere" and delivered to you over the web.

What is actually shaking the technosphere is that these huge big beasts: Microsoft, IBM, Amazon etc want you to move everything on the Cloud, - that is the daily transactions of your life, that are presently stored on your PC hard drive, CDs, USB sticks. They want it all data, software, hardware, and they want you to subcontract the running of your systems to them, too. They say it makes sense to outsource the IT crowd. They quote the electricity grid model. Why not do the same with computing? The benefit for them is huge new business in relocating everyone to their clouds.

So you are entering the "end of ownership". Yes because physical removal fundamentally changes what ownership means. But remember security will be a real headache. Some rather most governments have more rights to spy on your info in the Cloud rather than if it is in your house. Forewarned is forearmed. Cloud model is enticing but if you fall for their pitch than you can access your needs from anywhere, but then again, so will they !

Student Angel Mother after deep research feels that there is no way "With File Safety" and Civil Liberties are at stake. So thunder, lightening and rain lie ahead. And you will never wander lonely in the Cloud.

Good night as you dream your Cloud level.

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless 


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