
Headline Jan 12, 2012/ The Science Of The Religion

Allah - Atom - Advance
The Science Of The Religion

PART1:''ATOM'' AS EVERY STUDENT SHOULD KNOW, comes from the Greek and means'the indivisible one'. The concept was abstracted over 2000  years ago by the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus, who argued and preached that there had to be a basic, unbreakable building block that made up every single thing in the world. They may well be correct but the Atom has undergone and suffered ever changing precise definition.

And this unique spin will continue. Well here is the latest  and best version of the Great Lord's Science: In 1827 a Scottish botanist, Robert Browning mixed some pollen with water and while observing it under a optical microscope, found that within the pollen were tiny particles performing a frenetic little dance.
Sadly Browning never learned what it was that caused the movement. It was only in 20th century that ''Brownian Motion'' became somewhat clear.

We only now know that this motion is caused by Atoms moving the larger particles around. So poor innocent Atom was hopelessly misnamed. Far from being indivisible the Atom is made of other smaller particles, which themselves are divisible into other discrete constituents.

Amazing! But to enjoy this more let me set up a Visual for you: An Atom is like a 'miniature solar system' with central nucleus of neutrons and protons encircled by a number of orbiting electrons. Each of the Electrons carries a negative electrical charge equal to the positive electrical charge carried by the protons. And Neutrons as befit their name, carry no charge at all. The whole structure is kept together by Electromagnetic poles attract each other, so the positively charged protons attract the negatively charged electrons, ensuring the keep circling the nucleus.

Fellow Students must continue in 2 parts. The mystery, allure and the grandeur of the Great Design just cannot be explained in one master heading and write up! Join us again tomorrow as we bring to you startling knowledge and discovery. Some of it the first time, ever.

Till then God bless you all, Sweet dreams of the finished particle! Gasp!??!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless

PART2  -  PART3:


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