"Today's 'Information Revolution' is an Education Revolution"
Loving dedication for Shazaib Khan And Salar Khan Virginia, USA
Loving dedication for Shazaib Khan And Salar Khan Virginia, USA
The bitter reality is that the Corporate World must shame up as a "counter balancing force", well lets say, against local teachers, school boards or any other hurdle that gets defensive about outdated standards.
Only businesses can further the honour of radical educational reforms. Every business that has at least a conscience must become a teaching organization. Upgrading its own employees skills as well as the skills of young Students who set up to work. Pakistani professors who teach, say, technology , must find ways in which they become entrepreneurial, to help Students find their footing. This suggestion could well apply right across the globe. We must and have to find ways that supersedes class room learning.
And why the hell would we need certified evaluators??? Get this right. 'We' have had our future undermined from Without and Within. The World has a failing schools model. Beaconhouse, HeadStart are you hearing static? Don't dare try blaming Students' homes! The Governments desire and ability we are all too familiar with!! Only business have the power and ability to push the necessary changes.
As Adam Smith prophesied, 'there has traditionally been an intractable contradiction between the citizen's desire to cultivate every child and the master's fiduciary responsibilities.'
So how should we reinvent teaching?? And, and, one last salvo 'no government school can teach corporate world's future employees the skills necessary to prosper, nay, survive in the workplace. Students should now be allowed "to use the money that government allocates for their education in order to choose a school that will provide them with the necessary training."
We must apply marketing principles to education. That is the only option that could give us all a handle on problems and challenges that surround us. And this also the World's best defense against "bureaucratic monopolies" and scavengers!!
So we bid adieu with the thoughts on The Roots of New Age Education.
Sweet dreams!
SAM Daily Times - The Voice of The Voiceless
Great Article! (Y)