
Headline Jan 23rd, 2012 / "University Of The People"

"University Of The People"

Mr Shai Reshef, you Enobled Education! 
You Enobled The Struggle For A Better World!

Take a close look dear 'audience' at the headline photo. This is what we all Students are bound to face if we don't grapple with the ground realities that already surround us! Heed this! 

Shai Reshef is an educational entrepreneur who is now attempting great things by pioneering a radical idea. His University of the People offers free higher education to poor people in America and the rest of the world. The University does this by exploiting three resources: the goodwill of academic volunteers who want to help the poor, the availability of free "courseware" on the internet and the power of social networking.

Some 2000 academic volunteers have have designed the courses and given the University the credibility. Tutors direct the students whose number have exceeded beyond 1500 and hail from around the world, to the online courses. They also help to organize them into study groups, and then supervise them from afar.  
But dropping is on discussions and marking tests. Here is a perfect example of what good and great humans can offer. 

Yes Student Angel Mother is totally convinced that a great University and a great selfless service can be built on volunteerism and goodwill. Yes, the Students can be relied upon to do most of the teachings themselves. A right environment and right management could achieve that by doing more with literally nothing.

But we say goodnight to you all and remind you to join up on the read tomorrow for: You ain't seen or read nothing yet!!!
SAM Daily Times - Voice Of The Voiceless


  1. we have to think about it and make it happen

  2. Apathy is the enemy we each must face and conquer. Whether we are Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, or White, Man or Woman; apathy is the first enemy. Until we defeat our personal apathy, our lives are wasted.


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