"Student Default Modes"
Let me start on a happy note!! One Star SAM Samurai and devoutee just msgd with a drowning cry. But to the initiated that was her default mode of rallying the Global Samurai to grasp 'a precious chance' and discover their passion to perform!Student Angel Mother values world students as one family, who share common goal and purpose, and it emanates from SAM founders, work hard, help SAM, by caring for the less fortunate. Complacency should have no part in our struggles ahead! Students today must question and challenge all the time.
Invest efforts now to ensure we build a better world! All Students must have a future! SAM is determined in 'creating a global organization that encourages conduct which may be the best way to prevent damaging misconduct.' Alas!!?
But back to the subject. A great teacher must identify a Student's default mode early. The fact is , except in response to extraordinary life events that come along, people really don't change much say psychologists. But in the case of a student, an early diagnosis can truly lift both his performance and his life's prospects.
The key word here is change. Behaviour can change. But it's just very difficult to make substantial and permanent changes in a person's basic characteristics or fundamental style.
However if done early, rigid students become flexible, impulsive student deliberate, or cautions student bold. But what then is a "default mode"? A default mode are deeply ingrained personal traits, including those that have been harming you, or working against you.
But when students are given the critical info about themselves, they minimize it, rationalize it away, or if they accept it as true, they start making resolutions to act differently. And with guidance, self-insight or will power the student can produce a lasting change that benefits all the stake holders in the students future success.
And as the important post continues do join us tomorrow to read how the world specialists solve this quantum enigma of the default mode to help prepare a student for his future.
Till tomorrow, Good night!!
SAM Daily Times - Voice Of The Voiceless
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