
Headline Jan 26th, 2012 / Anchoring Student's Default Modes

Student's Default Modes
This post is lovingly dedicated to Imran Khan, Zainab Khan!

For a Student to have a great teacher is one of God's greatest blessings! So to beat the cycles of default modes, a teacher must consider a two pronged approach. He should help the student recruit and use atleast one "anchor" that is someone will help the student stay on track. The teacher himself must contribute too as an anchor.

Specifically speaking an anchor has a trusted person profile. He should be the one, who has the student's best interest in mind. The anchor knows the student's default mode, understand that the student needs to become more effective, and offers frequent reminders to encourage new, needed behaviours to keep the student from falling back on harmful and less productive patterns. The anchor reminds the student again and again to practice new behaviours.

So, in no time a change will begin to take hold especially the student begins to get encouraged and gains as much insight as possible into their default modes. And that is done by soliciting feedback from others. However, psychologists have found great changes in a student when the default mode student become anchor.

Students are advised to listen frequently to their anchor or they risk relapse. But if practiced long enough, new behaviours will take root , though probably not quickly , as changing long established patterns will take time. Yet, students willing to accept critical info about themselves, and to let someone anchor them, are well worth the honour!

In life if you skill yourself to ask all the right questions, the answers will delight you!!
Student Angel Mother considers Students All-Star!

Good night.
SAM Daily Times - Voice Of The Voiceless


  1. Ezekiel F. Hallie26/1/12 9:51 PM

    These are encouraging pieces of advice for both students and teachers. When a student enters the institution newly, phobia can overtake him/her. It takes a teacher with interest to help that student so that he/she will gradually cope with the situation in school.


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