Educating For Student's Integrity
Respectful dedication for all teachers of the world!
The recent scandal of cheating in an exam in Jakarta, Indonesia is both a shaming and a damning affair! It is not exactly unusual for children to cheat at school but to have the teachers ordering their own pupils to cheat, even if the students don't want to.
Not surprisingly, the revelation has led to an anxious debate about whether anyone can trust the grades of millions of young men and women who come into the labour market each year in South East Asia's biggest economy.
So teachers telling pupil to cheat is earth shaking, but hear the rest, which was world toppling. The person who complained this to light was accused and hounded to misery by the neighbouring mob and forced to flee. As the scandal picked stream, teachers joined up with their own tales of mass-cheating , and the bullying and intimidation of pupils and parents who wanted to speak the facts.
Teachers defend themselves by saying that they are under enormous pressure to pass everyone on the national tests for the good of the school, also in order to get more state aid.
So while the schools in Jakarta have been merrily reporting 100% result, but fewer people will believe them. In a very generalised way, this may be happening in many countries of the world. And in one way it could be so common place happening that it never makes it to any form of news.
Assuming that this is the state of affairs where threat is 'cheat or else!' Then we are creating if anything, only monsters!! Great teachers teach ethics as a personal scruples, a confidential matter between individuals and their conscience, This is true and correct!
Take the case of cricket. It was composed as a "gentleman's game". If you snicked the ball to the catcher you never looked at the umpire's finger. You cursed back and walk to the pavilion. The two great players who practiced this ethic was Pakistan's Majid Khan and India's Sunil Gavasker! Both very high class humans and gentlemen! But over the period of time the commercial side and the gambling side and the betting side turned this ethical game into something else.
Infact ethics has everything to do with up bringing as the world developed into a management science. More typically, ethics involves values, attitudes, beliefs, and the behavioural patterns that when combined will define the operating culture of student's life.
So much of today folks. And never miss the next topic: how education at all levels can shape your behaviour. Till next time God bless you all with every great change.
Student Angel Mother also wishes to thank "World Student Society Of Computers, Internet & Wireless" or WSSCIW for their splendid research work.
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