
Headline Jan 29th, 2012 / Dropping Stitches In Public

Dropping Stitches In Public
Gripping yarns, Respectful dedication Amin Malik Esq, Technologist. Chicago, USA

Delight the picture. Copy cat! See how the world around you reacts. 
Then try giving us their comments.

The world is not an easy place to get by in. All students should equip themselves before setting out. And it was always this way. Even worse!

So an integrity based approach to ethics education combines a concern for the law with an emphasis on student responsibility for ethical behaviour. Even though ones upbringing may vary in design and scope, and various other factors, they all strive to equip you with guiding values, aspirations and positive patterns of thought and conduct.

Thus, when they get integrated into your daily life, you would be helped in preventing damaging ethical lapses by following back onto powerful human impulses for moral thought and action. So blessedly, an ethical framework not a burdensome constraint within which you must operate, but your spiritual governing delight. No other individualistic option will stand the scrutiny of time.

In the developing world where no day to day system is built beyond the band-aid imagine then the state of garbage our living conditions. Thousands of people lost their lives when we bred 'dengue virus' and now hundreds have died as we sold counterfeit medicine, which were killer drugs. And hundreds lay dying at this moment.
Integrity, ethics??

Had we had them we would not be in this advance state of decay!! So where to begin? or should we wait, till male students can comfortably knit in public!!

Tall order, I assure you! And before we say Goodnight, remember to plant SAM forward. SAM belongs to the students of the world. Own it proudly and help build a better world.

SAM Daily Time - Voices Of The Voiceless


  1. we will stand and fight for the rights that are not given to us yet and we will up bring the students who have the capability to change the system . but first of all we have to stand on our own strongly and independently so that we should feel proud to give others ...

  2. righ is not which will be given to yu ..no one can have right to grab ur right but its ur right to do wat ever u want to do.try to understand mr jimmy


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