
Headline Jan 30, 2012 / Assertiveness

The Attribute Of True Heroes

Loving dedication M Hamad Khan, Irum Khan, London UK

David Fights Goliath!
In today's world paddling away will get to nowhere. You have to know where you are going! Studying in a great university, and for the developing world, being computer literate, or owning a computer isn't worth a mention, if you haven't mastered the key technology of "Assertiveness". And if you haven't then Education, Integrity, Ethics, and your Teachers have failed you!

In the present stormy waters that have typified our planet since over a last decade, and are building up into katrinas and tsunamis. "So what can student do?" Nearly every single interface with outside world have to be questioned. 

We have to design different configurations with our schools, colleges, universities and the outside world, to save this world from misery, injustice and unmitigated disaster. Student Angel Mother will lead the way. We owe to ourselves and the future generations. 

The world built on a reward system has merely brought in confusion, and agony and benefit just a few at the agony of the remaining world. Any system of governance that does not include the student's concerns is not a democratic cell. We must look at the premise behind every program. Nothing so far said and done anywhere should alter the behaviour of our attitudes. 

All audience heroes are requested to take up their share of responsibility and move SAM forward. We all must make sacrifices and concessions. Like it or not, or think what you will, the severe economic hardships will serve the cause of change. 

The world must share our anxieties. And Student Angel Mother has the wisdom to go for more than measurements. Results!!

A very good night to you all!

SAM Daily Times - Voice Of The Voiceless


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