
Man Withdraws Mouse From ATM

A man in northern Sweden got quite a run for his money Tuesday when an ATM machine dispensed a mouse along with his 700 Swedish Kroner ($104), The Local reported.

Gholam Hafezi grabbed what appeared to be a string hanging from the machine, but suddenly discovered it was a mouse, reports Vasterbotten Folkblad, a Swedish local newspaper.

"I pulled once more and then his tail came off," said Hafezi, who then rushed to a nearby grocery store for help.

Though the grocery store first ignored his request for help, eventually they managed to help remove the entire rodent from the ATM dispenser.

"One of them pulled out the mouse, and its head was left intact, although it was a little bloody. Then I got out my receipt," Hafezi told the paper.

Halfezi isn't sure if the mouse survived the ordeal.

This isn't the first reported incident of a mouse-dispensing ATM machine. Earlier this month, a man in Saudi Arabia also received a rodent with his cash, notes Emirates247.com.


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