

Secretariat is a biographical film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Mayhem Pictures. The film chronicles the life of thoroughbred race horse Secretariat, winner of the Triple Crown in 1973.

Denver housewife and mother Penny Chenery agrees to take over her ailing father’s Virginia-based Meadow Stables, despite her lack of horse racing knowledge. With the help of veteran trainer Lucien Laurin, Chenery manages to navigate the male-dominated business, ultimately fostering the first Triple Crown winner in 25 years and one of the greatest racehorses of all time.The film begins with Penny learning of her mother's death and returning to her childhood home. She reunites with Mrs. Ham, her father's secretary, and comforts her confused and elderly father. At her mother's funeral, Penny meets Arthur "Bull" Hancock and his son, Seth Hancock, of Claiborne Farm in Kentucky. The Hancocks offer to Penny any help she may need during her efforts to bring Meadow Stables back to profitability. Penny's father had made a deal with leading owner Ogden Phipps that if he would breed his best stallion (Bold Ruler) with Penny's two best mares (Somethingroyal and Hasty Matilda) that when the mares were close to term they would flip a coin to see who got which foal. Bold Ruler, the stallion was fast but couldn't last over distances. Hasty Matilda was the obvious choice due to her young age. Phipps picks Hasty Matilda and Penny wins Somethingroyal's foal, Secretariat.

The film was directed by Randall Wallace starring Diane Lane as Penny Chenery, John Malkovich as Lucien Laurin, Amanda Michalka as Kate Tweedy, Graham McTavish as Charles Hatton, Kevin Connolly as Bill Nack, Carissa Capobianco as Sarah Tweedy and Drew Roy as Seth Hancock.


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