
Students compete to rent Sweden's 'smallest' flat

SWEDEN:As students in Lund get ready to compete for a chance to live in Sweden’s ‘coziest’ dwelling, the housing commission claim the bijoux cottages are simply ‘too small’.
The price of the bijoux dwellings are their main selling point, with the prospected cottages being rented for 2500 kronor ($370) a month, compared to the average newly built student apartment in Lund which is rented for 4167, yet three times the size.

“We have a catch-22 situation. There is a shortage of student housing and the housing board’s regulations result in high building costs, and therefore expensive apartments,” said Svensson in a statement.
  The cottage features a kitchenette complete with dining area, a bathroom with toilet and shower and a sleeping loft. Student needs are not forgotten either – there’s a study desk below the sleeping area. There’s even an outside plot attached for those with green fingers.

Students interested in living in this experimental housing venture must be willing to earn their keep, however.
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