
"Yes, I am a rebel"

By Sarah Mahmood

"Dinner time is family time, what's this trash that you are reading!" said Matilda Wormwood's father, Harry Wormwood. 

Well, apart from the trash part (which actually refers to Herman Melville's celebrated Moby Dick ), I agree with Mr. Wormwood. Dinner time (and many other 'times', incidentally) used to be family times in the days of yore. Today, these are the 'Facebook time', the 'Crazy Taxi time' (excuse my choice of the game, I'm really not into those!), the 'Cinepax time' and a million other 'Uncalled-for times'.

More generally we are now living (read breathing) in technology. Had it been humanly possible, we would be fulfilling our biological needs from those very iPads and 'Pods'.

These continue evolving and we continue becoming fools at the hands of... entrepreneurs. Yes, just entrepreneurs. They don't look to provide relief. Rather, they come up with solutions to non-existent problems that are born only once brought attention to.

Good luck 'Pensiving' (yet again)!


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