
Back to Campus: Emotional Economy

Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Netherlands organizes an alumni event regarding Emotional Economy: Does the Economy lead to happiness and Materialism to loneliness?

The lecture will be given by Professor Rik Pieters, department of Marketing. In her Christmas speeches, Queen Beatrix addresses the increasing materialism of consumers and how this leads to social distress like loneliness.

Mother Theresa, the Pope, economists and other thinkers (philosophers, minds?) also talk about the growing social void resulting from hyper-materialism.

This seems so logical that, to date, nobody has made the effort to check if this is really true.

Professor Rik Pieters reports the first results of longitudinal research CentER panel since 2005 annually conducts among more than 2000 consumers on these questions. Results show some forms of materialism are good. But which ones? During the lecture he will also share new results regarding the effects of emotions during fast changing economic times, and provides suggestions for the Christmas speeches of King Willem Alexander.


6:30 PM Registration
7 PM Lecture by Professor Rik Pieters
8 PM Discussion and Questions
8:30 PM Drinks and networking

now for an interesting lecture and inspiring meeting with alumni.

Date: 26 April 2012
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Tias Building lecture room 4, Tilburg University Campus

Read at the original article source.


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