
Child Malnutrition Affects 1 In 4 Children Globally, Report Says

Over the next 15 years, nearly half a billion children are at risk of malnutrition, including stunted growth and undeveloped brains, according to a new report released by Save the Children. 
According to the report malnutrition contributes to the deaths of 2.6 million children each year, more than 300 children every hour of every day, and affects one in four children worldwide, according to the report.
"Every hour of every day, 300 children die because of malnutrition, often simply because they don't have access to the basic, nutritious foods that we take for granted in rich countries," he said.
The survey covered families in India, Bangladesh, Peru, Pakistan and Nigeria.
Soaring food prices have left children particularly vulnerable. It says much more needs to be done to tackle malnutrition in the world's poorest countries.
The charity found that many families could not afford meat, milk or vegetables.
One parent in six said their children were abandoning school to help out by working for food.
A third of parents surveyed said their children complained about not having enough to eat.


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