
Doctors happy at Stanford University Hospital after successful operation

Stanford University Hospital : An infant patient who was taken into critical surgery 15 minutes after being born, got thru the operation successfully. Many doctors thought it would not work out but it miraculously did.

The surgeon behind the operation was the first to propose the procedure and immediately after birth he began the operation. Doctors said the chances of survival were slim and the chances of a successful recovery were even less likely; today that has been proven wrong as the surgery did in fact go off without a hitch and the infant is recovering well. After approximately an hour of intense operation the infant’s surgery was complete and the doctors announced that the procedure had went well.

A procedure like this on such a young child is incredibly uncommon. Doctors are happy that it went so well and they are confident that the child will recover quickly and fully. The family has expressed their gratitude towards the doctors and the medical team at the hospital and they are hopeful that in a few short weeks they will be ready to return home. Stories like this are uncommon and inspiring as this is truly a miracle made possibly by modern day medicine and quick thinking doctors and surgeons.


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