
Headline Feb 11, 2012 / Three Super Contagious Diseases

"Three Super Contagious Diseases"
Fear - Greed - Individualism

Let me attempt a perspective for you: Over 50% of the misery and evil that you see in this world stems directly from these three diseases. All are highly contagious and their timing unpredictable. And the life aberrations produced by them are equally devastating and unpredictable, both as to duration and degree. If ever there was a true and realistic study of these three, starting revelations would emerge .

But before we go any farther, we must stop and thank "World Student Society of Computers, Internet and Wirless"- WssciW - lovingly named !WOW! for their splendid research.

Therefore, always be conscious and try anticipating the arrival and departure of these diseases. If you succeed you will save yourself from immeasurable misery and problems. Adam Smith, the father of Capitalism perceived his philosophy somewhat along these lines:, "What kind of a society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organizations is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do least harm". But this is theory!

All three diseases are inter wound and feed of each other and thus set in motion a vicious cycle. For it maybe worthwhile to remember  that these beget trappings. And the more trappings the lesser the freedom. And on the platform of freedom stands fulfillment , one major prerequisite of happiness.

Only Oscar Wilde could have summed up these three diseases with such brilliance: "We are all in the gutter , but some of us are looking at the stars!!!?".


SAM Daily Times - Voice of the Voiceless


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