
Headline Feb 12, 2012 / PRETERNATURALLY GREAT

Special respectful dedication to all Great judges, the great Lawyer community and the A k Brohi

Nature it now seems , picks extraordinary ways, to accomplish its design. The Chief Justice Of Pakistan is one such gift to this very troubled nation of over 180 million. Were Faiz Ahmed Faiz the great poet and humanist alive today, his yearnings and longings would have been answered and he would have repeated his great stanza ‘it does not matter, if I have not seen, others shall witness the glorious hour of garden blossoming and nightingale singing!'

In the Philosophy of things, one does get to wonder that a crisis can be a good thing! It gave us a great Chief Justice and it brought out the best in him. “May we assure, Sir, that we will do our best to come up to your expectations!!”

Estimates of his greatness have abounded. Two attributes of this person are truly remarkable. His memory and his insistent rationality! Your Honour, this headline post represents the admiration and prayers of every Pakistani and your many admirers the world over!

And we are sure that you will see equanimity as we quote aptly from another Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. This is what we imagine he would have said to you: "You stand as a towering rebuke to anyone who questions whether a visionary leader can change History through the force of his own courage and character."

Sir, You taught us that it is possible for human beings to put ideals above self-interest. You fought for the dignity of the destitute. You gave the world a moral example that bridged divides of cultures, class and religion! You live the causes you honour!

Good night all and God bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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