
Headline Feb 17th 2012 / Second Best To Everything

"Second Best to Everything?"
Special Dedication for students of Pakistan!!

He that never changes his opinion never corrects his mistake, will never be wise tomorrow than he is today! Many years ago, and for over a decade, Student Angel Mother observed and interacted with thousand of students in Pakistan's southern province , Sindh. They were students of every school, college and university. What I encountered was psychological funk and a general 'Millennial Ennui'- Boredom. Not one was original. It was obvious then, just as it is peremptory now, that the future of the country would sink inexorably into a quagmire.

But , let me narrate a tiny story to support my contention. Bill Gates was once asked as to how he viewed Microsoft's future. Bill Gate's answer is worth pondering: "Worrying", said Gates, "The best students are joining investment Banking!!?"

Pakistani Students come across 'Remiss'. Despite every effort, we could never raise much audience from our province of Balochistan nor from Pakhtunkhwa. And the world goes on! But the wisdom is that we must have the power to heal ourselves within. We  must make every sincere attempt to absorb the changes that now face us. And it will be a tough act to follow in a fast changing world. Most of the characteristics that I have mentioned above literally apply to the entire developing world.. The daily wear and tear, in noise, pollution, grind and survival has a big cost. And you the students are paying it!!

We have to get tough and attempt inspired creations forged from an imagination that thrives on pressure . We must get work driven and work obsessed. And we must never look back. From my world, the lowest depth of misery is "when you have nothing great to learn or read!!" And in parting wisdom let me say that "one of the greatest successes in education is to do what people say you cannot do!!"

God Bless You all and Good Night!!

SAM Daily Times- Voice of the Voiceless


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