
Leading Tourism Bodies Call for UK to Utilise Cultural Heritage

Embracing our cultural heritage as a revenue stream in the Olympic year is crucial to our success as a tourism hub and economic power, say leading industry figures.

The National Trust, English Heritage, Historic Royal Palaces, The V&A, Tate, British Museum and National Gallery are among over 100 organizations that will come together to discuss how the sector can maximize opportunities presented by the London Olympics 2012.

From location filming to e-commerce and developing killer product ranges, the Association for Cultural Enterprises (ACE) 13th Annual Convention & Exhibition, will explore innovative ways in which the sector can engage and attract an estimated four million additional overseas Olympic visitors, during the recession and with no additional government funding.

John Stachiewicz, chairman of ACE and publisher and head of media group, National Trust, said: “Heritage remains the most cited reason for people to visit Britain and currently renders a turnover of in excess of £1 billion a year.

“The Olympics present the perfect opportunity to boost this figure significantly, which is why it is important that we have the necessary knowledge, skills and ideas to effectively engage with overseas visitors.

“The ACE Convention will help the sector to do that.”

(Source: BTN)


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