
Louise Gunning appointed president of Executive Board UvA and HvA

Prof. Louise Gunning-Schepers has been appointed president of the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) by the Supervisory Boards of the two institutions. The appointment is effective as of 1 April 2012.

Gunning is currently president of the Health Council of the Netherlands and University Professor of Health and Society at the UvA. She is an experienced executive and knows the UvA well. She previously served as chair of the Board of Directors of the Academic Medical Center (AMC-UvA) and as dean of the UvA’s Faculty of Medicine.

The Executive Board is responsible for the general management of the UvA and the HvA. The joint Board, which is the result of a staff merger, further comprises Professor Dymph van den Boom (Rector Magnificus UvA), Dr Jet Bussemaker (Rector HvA) and Mr Paul Doop, MSc (Vice-President). Gunning succeeds Dr Karel van der Toorn, who resigned as president on 4 July 2011. Paul Doop has been serving as acting president in the interim.

Gunning (1951) obtained her PhD from Erasmus University. She has worked as a researcher at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Erasmus University, and as a policy official at the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. In 1991 she was appointed professor of Social Medicine at the UvA. From 1995 to 1997 she was a member of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy. Since 1997 Gunning has been a member of the Board of Directors of the AMC-UvA and vice-dean of the AMC-UvA. In 2001 she was appointed chair of the Board of Directors of the AMC-UvA and dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the UvA. Since 1 September 2010 she has been president of the Health Council of the Netherlands, the independent body that advises the Dutch government and parliament on scientific policy. She is simultaneously University Professor of Health and Society at the UvA. Upon her departure as chair of the Board of Directors of the AMC-UvA in 2010, she was awarded the the Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau honorary medal.

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