
Palm-up or palm-down?

By Sarah Mahmood

There are two types of hands, the one that gives and the one that receives.

All of us have faced situations where we have either been at the giving end or at the receiving end. Ask yourself, which one feels better? How many times have you asked for something as opposed to giving the same thing? What sentiments do you carry for someone who is always barging in and asking for one thing or the other? 

What makes a successful human being? A lot of things, you say. True. And being self-sufficient dear readers, is surely one of them. Characteristically found in 'men of honour', the quality of not depending upon others (here specifically emphasizing on material needs) is but scarce. And what is equally found in the likes of such, is a non-hesitance to help those in need!

Remember, a giving hand is better than a receiving hand!


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