
Positivizing, eh?

By Sarah Mahmood

Some people are ever-emanating spirits of positivity. Hither and thither, to and fro, their optimism radiates everywhere. They ought to be envied, yes, but not in the bad sense of the word and they ought to be learned from - in every sense of the word!

What sets them apart is their attitude, a rather scarce one at that. It enshrouds their tribulations and fears, hiding them. To the contrary, there are those who wouldn't give a penny to what the world holds for them! No, a slight trouble is all that is needed to set them on fire... and there you are!

Of the two, most of us belong to the latter kind. And almost all of us have the tendency to behave that way to some extent. But as the optimist would say, there's also the tendency to behave in the other way, I leave you to reflect and ponder and of course 'positivize'.


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