
Presidential Research Poster Competition

 Event: University Of Virginia

To recognize research and scholarship as a central part of the UVa mission, we will be holding a Pan-University Research Poster Competition to highlight high-impact and innovative growth areas for UVa research.

This year's theme: IMPACT
Authors should write in the grey box how their research has had, is having, and will have impact. This should be written so that anyone reading your poster will understand what you do and the impact it has. If you had your parents or friends that do not study in your field read the poster, would they understand your research and the impact that it has?

Award Categories
  1. Physical & Environmental Sciences
  2. Engineering, Biosciences, & Health
  3. Humanities, Social, & Behavioral, & Economic Sciences
  4. Law, Business, Policy, & Education
  5. Translational & Applied Research
  6. Performing & Fine Arts & Architecture
Authors may select only ONE category in which to submit their poster. Authors may be the lead on only one poster, but can co-author others.

Criteria for Awards
  1. Quality of inquiry, performance, design, outcomes
  2. Potential impact on society
  3. Advance in knowledge
  4. Innovation, creativity, risk-taking, exploration at frontiers
  5. Collaborations with internal and external partners

Judges are from all disciplines and will score the posters on each of the above criteria. Judges will use the same criteria plus the in person presentation of the poster to judge the final winners.

We will select 3 "finalists" in each of the categories. We will have three separate tracks: postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students.

Three finalists in each Postdoc, Grad & UG category and ultimately one winner for each:
  • Physical & Environmental Sciences- 3 Post Doc finalists -> 1 post doc winner
  • Physical & Environmental Sciences- 3 Grad finalists -> 1 Grad winner
  • Physical & Environmental Sciences- 3 Undergraduate finalist -> 1 UG winner

6 categories x 9 finalist in each= 54 posters printed/displayed. 18 will be selected as winners. All submissions will be on the VPR website. After the judging session on Friday, May 4th all the posters remain on view in the Rotunda for the entire week of May 4-11, 2011, so that thousands of visitors can view them.

If your poster is chosen as a finalist you will need to attend the judging poster session and entertain discussion/questions from the "judging committee" and/or meet President Sullivan at your poster. The session is open to the public and we encourage you to attend even if your poster is not selected as a finalist.
$500 travel funds to each winner (18). These funds will be transferred to a PTAEO in your home department to be spent on scholarly travel within the next 12 months. If the winner is graduating or leaving the University they are still eligible to receive the funds as a travel reimbursement. If the winner does not want to use the funds they may elect to leave them for the department to use for scholarly travel of another person. Funds must be spent or returned to the VPR office by May 31, 2013.

President Sullivan will attend the Rotunda event, and will award the winner of each category a blue ribbon and sign the poster. 


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