
Some useful Tips to Wake Up and Get Up Fast

You are again late from your work. No matter how much you reason with yourself but most of the time your lateness is due to the fact that you could not get out of bed. It is always unpleasant to drag yourself out of bed, so here are the tips to help you wake up alert and get out of bed quickly.

Assess your Health: Your drowsiness in the morning might be health related. Perhaps you need a better diet, exercise plan or may be you have sleep apnea. If you have been doing every thing right go to a doctor or an expert opinion.

Coffee on your bedside table: This is for extreme cases, but leaving some coffee or caffeinated drink like Mountain Dew might help you getting up early.

Place your alarm clock strategically: If you place your alarm clock across the room or outside your door, that might force you to walk to shut it off.

Get an Alarm Clock that lights up: You can mimic waking up naturally with BioBrite Sunrise Clock ($134). This clock will gradually glow brighter and brighter and will act you own mini sunrise. BioBrite also have cheaper version ($90).

Don't drink caffeine or alcohol the night before: It will take very less time for caffeine and alcohol to get out of your system so for a better night's sleep. So try to avoid those, that might also help you.

Smelling salts: Smelling salts have been reviving people from a very long time, but you don't have to smell something distasteful. Put a bottle of pleasant smelling essential oils like mint, orange or grapefruit next to your bed in order to shake yourself out of a groggy state.

Train yourself: Instead of forcing yourself to wake up, train yourself to react instantly by practicing the motions of waking up. During the day time turn your lights off and practice getting up from the bed as soon as your alarm goes off. Do this repeatedly for 10 minutes in a day until feels automatic.


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