
Apple Proclaims To Have Created 514,000 Jobs In 50 States

We all know the importance and value of Apple in US tech industry and in its overall economy as well. The company has recently updated its website and cites about 514,000 jobs creation in the US directly or in a support by Apple.
Out of this total of 514,000 approximately 45%, that is 210,000, individuals have directly employed by Apple for application development for iOS platform for App Store. The number of persons employed ranging job from engineering to transportation to manufacturing is cited 304,000. Out of which 47,000 work at Apple and 257,000 are recruited to other companies like Corning, UPS, and FedEx.
The site reads, “Throughout our history, Apple has created entirely new products and entirely new industries by focusing on innovation. As a result, we’ve created or supported more than 500,000 jobs for U.S. workers: from the engineer who helped invent the iPad to the delivery person who brings it to your door.”


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