
Canada tops globe in Internet usage

It might be the long winters, or the national pastime of keeping tabs on Justin Bieber. Whatever the reason, Canadians are spending more time online than any other country, including highly wired societies such as China, South Korea and the United States. The average Canadian spends about 45 hours a month browsing the Internet, according to new figures from ComScore Inc. The majority of that time is spent on social networking sites such as Facebook. Their voracious appetite for all things Internet has huge implications for advertisers and media companies, with digital advertising spending targeted toward Canadians surpassing $2.5-billion last year. This year, companies are scrambling to measure the effect of all that spending.

“We’ll likely see far great adoption of tools that help validate ad delivery,” the report read. “This will allow more confidence in this medium as an advertising channel and better overall advertising return on investment."
The average Canadian sits in front of their computer for a whopping 45.3 hours a month, taking in content from some 98 websites. That’s a lot of content, because once they hit those web pages, they amass an average 3,781 page views a month.
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