
Chinese gov't draws plan to guide family education

The Chinese government has  released a five-year plan to improve family education, including accelerating legislation and incorporating family education guidance into the country's public service system.
The plan on the guidance and promotion of China's family education (2011-2015) was mapped out by seven departments, including the All-China Women's Federation and the ministries of education, health and civil affairs.

With a series of tasks and measures, the plan urges local regions to issue regulations concerning family education and set up online parenting courses.
"Currently, our country's family education is faced with many challenges and opportunities... The five-year plan will play a significant role in boosting the qualities of parents and ensuring the healthy growth of minors," said the document.
According to the plan, the country will build schools for parents or family education guidance centers in 80 percent of urban communities and 60 percent of administrative villages by 2015.
The document also specified responsibilities for various departments in the family education drive, including financial support, supervision and evaluation. 


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