
Deadliness of Loneliness

New research has shown direct links between loneliness and ill health. It is the social contact that can stop the negative impacts that are sent inside body when a person is lonely. Others should also remind the person to take care of himself or herself.
Loneliness can harden the arteries causing high blood pressure. Loneliness can cause the inflammation of body and memory problems. Same phenomenon was seen in the fruit flies. Isolated ones die sooner.
In one study, Cacioppo and Steve Cole of UCLA examined how the immune system changed over time in people who were socially isolated. They observed a change in the kinds of genes that lonely people's immune systems were expressing. Genes overexpressed in the loneliest individuals included many involved in immune system activation and inflammation. In addition, several key gene sets were underexpressed, including those involved in antiviral responses and antibody production. The result is that a lonely person's body has let its defenses down to viral and other invaders.


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