
Exercise changes genes within minutes

Exercise Machines at a Gym Reuters
Even a short bout of exercise can change your genes in ways that may ultimately make you stronger, a new study suggests.
The researchers studied genes in the muscles of men and women before and after they spent 20 minutes on an exercise machine.
After exercise, there were chemical changes in genes within the muscle cells, and these same genes were increased in expression. In other words, exercise helped "turn on" these genes, according to the study.
When the researchers made muscles contract in lab dishes, they saw similar changesto the DNA.
These changes appear to happen soon after exercise, which ultimately reprograms our cells for stronger muscles and greater endurance.
Our muscles adapt to what we do, said study researcher Juleen Zierath, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. "If you don't use it, you lose it, and this is one of the mechanisms that allows that to happen," Zierath said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/03/06/exercise-changes-genes-within-minutes/#ixzz1oRQqXUB1


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