Photos: Discovery News
There’s no question flashlights are handy, but unless you’re a security guard wearing a utility belt, they’re just not that convenient to carry around. Unless you carry one in your wallet.
The Pocket Lamp Card from Doulex delivers the brightness of an LED light in a package about the same size as a credit card. Simply pop the bulb-shaped light into the up position and the light turns on. Press down flat, and it turns off.
Giving new meaning to the phrase, “a little light in the wallet,” the Pocket Lamp comes in a

So the next time you find yourself in a dark restaurant trying to make out the menu or fumbling around outside your house at night attempting to put your key in the lock, you can either look like every other iPhone user and break out your free Flashlight app, or show off your true gadget cred and slide this little wonder out of your wallet.
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