
Headline Feb 22,2012 / Farewell Einstein, Sir!!

Part 3

Respectful Dedication M J Akber-India , Nobel Laureate Dr. Abdul Salam-Pakistan, Ferrari/Fiat Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo

None of these clocks is right and none is wrong: time kept by clocks is simply relative, not absolute ... hence "relativity".Therefore the logical consequences of relativity caused upheavels in science and were instrumental in the concept of spacetime, the theory of black holes and the thinking behind the big bang. Relativity also remains to this day, our best explanation of gravity. And all this Einstein could take credit for.

There were, however, other consequences of his theory, in the realm of quantum mechanics, that he was reluctant to accept. Simply put, relativity suggests that sub-atomic particles will behave unpredictably, that they can 'decide' whether to behave like a particle or a 'wave' and, worse, that they may be able to communicate with each other in some fashion faster than the speed of light. Einstein hated all this and spent the last decades of his life arguing against this concept.

Since Einstein's death, though, scientific experimentation has largely borne out even the wilder theories of quantum mechanics. But it now appears that sub-atomic particles may even pass messages to each other faster than the speed of light. On this, apparently, Einstein was wrong! Haha! But let me end this Great Research from !WOW! on a laughing note.

Princeton University received a late morning call with a request for the address and directions to Einstein's house. The University being under directions, refused to provide the info!! And to this the caller said: "Oh dear!! This is terribly embarrassing. This is Prof Einstein. I've forgotten where I live!"

Good night and God bless!
SAM Daily Times - The Voice of the Voiceless.


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