
Headline March 16th, 2012 / "The 'Wiki' !WOW!"

"The 'Wiki' !WOW!"

Respectful Dedication To 3 International Students
Sheheera Ismael / NUST/ Pakistan - Raty Kiknadze / Georgia
Hendro Agusmanjaya / Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu / Indonesia 

Once upon a time the internet was a way of passing time but now its a gateway to a fairer, freer future, thanks to the 'Wiki' and now !WOW!

In information technology, 'Wiki' is any website that allows readers to add and edit content. And !WOW! is any site that amazes and welcomes you to the collective ingenuity to problem solving. The global students need to understand and be wary of the world's most habituality of storing your info, no matter what you do. Google, the most frequently used search engine in the world, recently revealed that it intends to build profiles of its users based on their internet habit, and even hopes to catalogue details about their genetic make up.

Alarming!! To say the least. !WOW!  therefore advises all global students to comprehend the bespoke advertising of "Minority Report" and even the genetic registry database of 'Gattaca'. Please revert your feedback emails. Therefore, in order to protect you this is what !WOW! advises:

1. Every now and then remove yourself from junk mail list by registering with 'Mailing Preference Service'. See if your country has one. For e.g. www.mpsonline.org.uk
2. Only use sites with SSL encryption as indicated by the padlock on the screen.
3. Ponder every mail you receive and dont open it if it seems suspicious. Using bogus names at legitimate addresses is a common ploy of fraudsters. Check the authorities and police links for you to address your complains to.
4. Wipe your hard drive before giving away your computer. www.howtowipeyourdrive.com can help you.
5. Make your passwords smarter. Change them to combination of letters and numbers that do not form obvious dates. And change all passwords often but retain a private note.

And remember, never make the things easy for marketing companies and wannabe ID fraudsters. !WOW! is your best chance to work up best laws, best practices, fair prices, good service and serious privacy.

Your full support will help build a better world.
Goodnight and God bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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