
Headline March 23,2012/Stress Surfing!

Respectful Dedication Sunil Gavasker India - The Great Nation of Bangladesh 

Exercise doesn't take the stress away, it just helps you cope with it better in order to fight your way through! Remember heavy weight training should be minimised to no more than once a week. Use lighter weights in most of your other sessions. A short distance jog with a slight rest period is ideal. This will get your circulation moving and the sweat will lighten you up!

If you don't feel up to it, then discipline yourself for a brisk walk. 130 paces a minute is ideal for all students irrespective of your gender. Continue with this regime atleast once a day till you start to surf stress !! When you start enjoying your walk, you are on the home stretch to conquering stress. But here are some quick fixes that will help you and lighten your burden.

1. Cut down on stimulants like coffee and sugar
Both play havoc with your body's cortisol levels, the hormone linked to stress and anxiety. Try green instead. Keep yourself hydrated and start your day with whole grain cereal or porridge for their complex carbs.

2. Magnesium found in spinach, lentils and chickpeas is a natural tranquilizer, while potassium from bananas, avocados, and sweetcorn helps to lower blood pressure.

3.B smart vitamins are used to produce serotonin which helps to improve your mood and its lower levels make you more prone to stess in the first place. Snack on almonds, walnuts and pistchios for B6 and get more salmon for B12.

4.Stress can affect your immune system, so stock up on free radical reducing vitamin C. Try blueberries. Strawberries, tomatoes and broccoli.

5. If all else fails, deep breaths help to get oxygen to your brains and organs. Try five minutes of closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing - both a prevention and a cure!! So, keep a healthy mind and a healthy body. There is very little that the doctors truly know of mind body relationship. But we have done our best to prepare you for uncertain and anxious future. We thank !WOW! once again.

Good night and God bless!
SAM Daily Times- The Voice of the Voiceless


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