
Headline March 9th, 2012 / "Dollar For Dollar Irresponsibility"

"Dollar For Dollar Irresponsibility"
'Dream To Nightmare!'

Respectful dedication Walter Wriston / Former Chairman Citibank!

The World at large and in general always correctly considered Americans for their mastery in creating nightmares for the rest of the world. If you don't buy this statement then lookup the 'consumer debt' for your own respective country! Never in the field of consumer credit was so much owned by so many to so few.

Every Student must understand and make no mistake 'that credit card debt is not an organic phenomena but an invasion and a terrible curse!! If you ever fall into this trap, you are doomed!! At the conception history, one loan shark compared his credit card customers to "starving people" and mused on what they might pay for a "smallest bite of food!" So was the credit industry born.

Unfortunately and tragically its pioneers neglected to tell the credit customers what they were actually upto. Dozens of third world countries were maxed out! Millions and millions of lives were totally ruined when people couldn't pay back!?
SAM Daily Times is grateful to !WOW! which researched the subject 'why so many people simply cant get out of debt?' !WOW! heard the culture blamed time and again. The break down of traditional values. All over the world the debt collection business is booming because of the miracles of database technology and this new sense of brazenness continues with people and students getting totally mired in misery of debt.

In the UK there have been years when more citizens have declared bankruptcy than graduated from colleges. Home foreclosures in America have touched epic proportions. One highly respected author James Scurlock in his highly regarded book "Maxed out: Hard Times, Easy Credit!" sums up brilliantly: "a nation if customers feasting on expensive toys, yes but much more so a nation of starving people who will pay nearly anything for one more bite"

Do say 'you were warned!' And plant SAM forward! This is extra ordinary honouring !
God bless and Good night.

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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