
Home Schooling Grows On Central Coast

MANY families choose to home-educate their children on the Central Coast. Mother of five Vivienne Fox said there were more than 250 families who home-school on the Central Coast, networking through the CChomeed Yahoo group. The Fox children have never attended formal school. Mrs Fox decided to home-school her children after she was struck by the way home-educated children could interact with other people.

“The children initiated conversation and I found them radically different,” she said. Mrs Fox and husband Russell, of Avoca Beach, have home-schooled Jeremy, 17, Sophie, 16, Ellie, 10, Olivia, 8, and Amelia, 5.

“For our family, home education takes eclectic form, drawing on a variety of techniques and systems to suit the children,” Mrs Fox said. Educational and social activities occur both at our home, and with other home-educating families all over the Coast.

“The idea is that as each child is unique we use different techniques and choose topics to suit individual interests and they develop a love of learning.” The eldest, Jeremy, is now in his final year of university and working in information technology.

Eldest daughter Sophie is doing a variety of courses accessed through a number of sources, including couture dressmaking with another home-school mum. Although the Fox family does not have a television, there are several computers in the house.

With the Yahoo group (see address right) they connect to activities including trips visiting exhibitions, and theatre productions. When the children get to high-school age they switch to a US system.

“I’m pleased we are doing this - it is a great education, they have a wonderful group of friends, and it also builds good relationships with siblings who interact and get to know one another better.”


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